2023 Florida Automated Vehicles (FAV) Summit Recap

The 2023 Florida Automated Vehicles (FAV) Summit, presented by the Tampa Hillsborough Expressway Authority (THEA), welcomed nearly 500 attendees to downtown Tampa. Under the leadership of CEO Greg Slater, THEA and its partners organized a groundbreaking event that delved into the future of transportation and automation. Spearheaded by Senator Jeff Brandes, President of the Florida Policy Project, the summit brought together some of the brightest minds in the industry to explore the latest advancements and policy developments in automated vehicles. With a keen focus on innovation, safety, and sustainability, the summit served as a crucial platform for industry leaders, policymakers, and experts to collaborate and shape the trajectory of autonomous, connected, electric, and shared transportation in Florida.

Keynote speaker Cathie Wood, Founder, CEO, CIO, and renowned investor at ARK Investment Management LLC, set the stage with her visionary insights into the intersection of technology, finance, and transportation. Her fireside chat with Reilly Brennan, Partner, Trucks Venture Capital, shed light on the transformative potential of autonomous vehicles, influencing the way we move and the broader economic landscape. In addition, The Honorable Fiona McFarland, Florida House of Representatives, received the Leadership & Innovation Award. The 2023 FAV Summit was a pivotal event that not only explored the cutting-edge technology behind autonomous vehicles but also highlighted the critical role of collaboration and forward-thinking policy in shaping the future of transportation in Florida and beyond.