Hurricane Preparedness

Living in a tropical climate means being prepared for a hurricane is a must. While we hope that a hurricane never hits our shores, being ready is the best way to keep you, your family, and your friends safe and in control. Having a plan and being ready to execute that plan will lessen the likelihood of finding yourself in danger. 

Below are four ways to ensure the safety of you and your loved ones this hurricane season. 

  1. Create Lists: Listing important information somewhere that will be accessible to you in the event of an emergency is crucial to staying safe in a hurricane. The saying ‘knowledge is power’ is especially applicable in an event such as a hurricane, and the more information you possess, the better you can plan for the worst. Listing things such as supplies and equipment that you may need to survive in an emergency help you stay organized during a stressful time. 
  2. Be Aware: Make sure that you are aware of your location relative to your surroundings. Being aware of where the nearest hospital or clinic is should be a priority while planning for a hurricane. Geographic position and features should also be a concern. Knowing what your elevation is, how close to a water source you may be very valuable information to you and your family. 
  3. Take Account for Everyone: It is very important that no one is left out of your plan; elderly grandparents, family pets, etc. Making sure that your pet has enough food and water for at least three days is ideal, and a collar with contact information and an address is a good idea as well. Confirming that everyone in your plan has a way to contact anyone else in the plan is important, especially when considering elderly family members. 
  4. Create an Emergency Kit: An emergency kit is vital to the safety of the people in your plan. The kit should include things such as food, water, medicine, and clothes. Your kit should be stored in a water-proof container and should consist of non-perishable foods that don’t require refrigeration before or after opening them. Water should be stored in large quantities, keeping in mind the water needed for cooking and hygiene. It is recommended that one gallon of water per person per day should be packed into your emergency kit, for up to seven days. Medicine is important to account for when planning for an emergency as well. Clothes, while not as important as food and water, can also be packed into an emergency kit, it is recommended to pack a full change of clothes for everyone in your plan. Items like raincoats and work boots are a great idea as well. 

Hurricanes planning is a part of living in Florida. They can cause a lot of damage and put people in danger so being well prepared will help immensely to staying safe in an emergency. Having a plan and good communication will keep you and your family above water during storm season.