Vehicle Theft Prevention Month

In our modern world, many of us depend on our vehicles to navigate daily life. However, the risk of vehicle theft is a pressing concern, affecting over one million people in the U.S. each year. Alarmingly, this number is steadily rising, with a 6.8% increase since 2021. Half of these thefts are attributed to driver error. As we recognize Vehicle Theft Prevention Month in July, it’s crucial to bring awareness to this costly crime that could impact more than just your mode of transportation. We’re here to provide some valuable tips to help keep you and your vehicle safe.

One of the most effective ways to prevent vehicle theft is to park in well-lit areas or inside parking garages. Such locations deter thieves and vandals because the increased visibility and presence of security measures like cameras or potential eyewitnesses heighten the risk for criminals. By choosing these safer spots, you significantly reduce the likelihood of your car being targeted.

Additionally, it’s essential to keep valuables out of sight when leaving your vehicle unattended. Thieves are often opportunistic, and a car with visible valuables presents a tempting target. By ensuring that items such as bags, electronics, and other personal belongings are hidden, you reduce the chances of a break-in, as the uncertainty of a worthwhile reward can discourage potential thieves.

Finally, equipping your car with an anti-theft alarm can be a powerful deterrent. In the unfortunate event of a break-in attempt, the loud alarm can scare off criminals and alert bystanders or security personnel to the situation. If your vehicle is stolen, immediately contact the police to file a report and notify your insurance company within 24 hours to submit a claim. Should you recover your vehicle before the authorities, promptly inform both the police and your insurer.

At THEA, we care deeply about your safety and the security of your vehicle. By following these preventative measures, you can help protect yourself from the distress and inconvenience of vehicle theft. Stay vigilant and take proactive steps to safeguard your car this Vehicle Theft Prevention Month and beyond.