New Year, More You

Top 3 Things to Do in Tampa/Brandon for Healthy Living

There is a reason losing weight and getting healthy are the top New Year’s resolutions every year. It is because when we are healthy, we feel like our best selves. It is not easy and unfortunately, many people lose the intention almost as quickly as they set it. But stay with it and find ways to make healthy living a lifestyle. Here are our top 3 ways to bring healthy living to your life right in your own neighborhood:

Walk outside

You do not need to do a fast paced run to get a great workout. Movement is good for the body! Just move for at least thirty minutes a day, and your blood will flow, your metabolism will spur, and your mind will feel clearer. Walk outside, breathe the fresh air, and enjoy our gorgeous Florida weather. Pack clothes in your car so that you are ready to walk immediately after your workday (if you go home first, you might fall into the abyss of your couch!). The Brandon Parkway or the Selmon Greenway are convenient and safe ways to enjoy a long walk.

Lunchtime Yoga

Bella Prana Yoga, Yoga Downtown, Asana Yoga of Brandon, and the Downtown YMCA all have lunchtime yoga classes that will get you in and out for a quick yet efficient mid-day break. Some places have shower areas so you can refresh afterward but often, you won’t even sweat in these classes, which make them the ideal workday workout.

Run Clubs

There are a variety of run clubs in Tampa and Brandon that bring people together from all different skill levels in the running. Meeting up with a group will give you support in staying committed. They are usually quite social with people staying after for a beer or a bite to eat. Getting fit doesn’t have to be torturous. Make it fun!

Let’s make 2017 the year we felt GREAT! #LoveYourDrive #GetThereonTheSelmon