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Archive for the
‘Distracted Driving’ Category

Visual (taking your eyes off the road). Manual (taking your hands off the wheel). Cognitive (taking your mind off the task at hand). Any one of these factors, which specifically takes your attention away from driving, is a distraction. And distractions have consequences. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), nine people are […]

March 31, 2023


Categories: Distracted Driving, Driving Tips

Summer is here, and that means extra-packed roads with vacationers. Therefore, ensuring that your eyes stay on the road with minimal distractions is essential. However, distracted driving is something that everyone faces behind the wheel, and these distractions go beyond cellphone use. Situations such as eating, drinking, and staring at road signs or car crashes […]

July 28, 2022


Categories: Distracted Driving

With the advent of smartphones, driving distractions have never been more tempting. Checking social media, replying to an email, or calling to book an appointment, can be done from anywhere. But please, DO NOT DO THEM WHEN DRIVING!  When driving, these simple distractions can significantly increase the likelihood of a crash, putting you and others […]

January 10, 2022


Categories: Distracted Driving, THEA News

Since 2013, texting while driving has been illegal in Florida, but it was always considered a secondary offense. That meant that officers could only issue a driver a ticket for texting if they were also violating another law. In July 2019, Florida became the 45th state to make texting while driving a primary offense. Officers […]

April 2, 2020


Categories: Distracted Driving

Tampa Bay is a car-dependent region. And while great strides are being made to make our cities more pedestrian, bike, and public transit-friendly, most of us still get behind the wheel multiple times a day. With the new year approaching, there is no better time to commit to breaking some common bad driving habits. Let’s […]

January 3, 2019


Categories: Distracted Driving, Driving Tips, THEA Tips

Did you know in Florida that a bicycle is legally defined as a vehicle? Bicyclists have all of the privileges, rights, and responsibilities on public roads as a driver of any other motor vehicle. To maintain their safety, bicyclists may ride out of the bike lane and into the travel lane to avoid obstacles or […]

Getting your driver’s license is a rite of passage that excites most American teenagers. Driving brings freedom and independence, but can be a nerve-wracking experience for parents and rightfully so because driving a vehicle is an awesome responsibility. To help parents and teen drivers create a basis of trust, we recommend families sign a parent-teen […]

Tampa is booming. There as so many exciting projects underway that will change our city’s landscape and improve the quality of life for both residents and tourists. However, with construction comes change, and a big part of that means changes in traffic patterns which create work zones. A work zone is an area of roadway […]

April 2, 2018


Categories: Distracted Driving, THEA Tips, Work Zone Safety


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