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Archive for the
‘THEA Tips’ Category

Top 3 Things to Do in Tampa/Brandon for Healthy Living There is a reason losing weight and getting healthy are the top New Year’s resolutions every year. It is because when we are healthy, we feel like our best selves. It is not easy and unfortunately, many people lose the intention almost as quickly as […]

January 18, 2017


Categories: THEA Tips

Safe Driving During the Holidays The holiday season is always touted as a fun and festive time, however, reports show a significant rise in car accidents during the “holiday” months. A car crash can have serious consequences any time of the year but can ruin your and your family’s holidays. Here are our tips for […]

December 2, 2016


Categories: THEA Tips

Holiday Travel: Rules of the Road With the holidays approaching, we see a dramatic increase of people on the road, taking road trips to visit family and friends. Taking our wonderful network of roads is a great way to travel. There are a few things to keep in mind during your road trip this holiday […]

November 10, 2016


Categories: THEA Tips

Courteous Driver Tips Being a courteous driver means more than just being kind on the roads. It is a way of driving that benefits our entire community and makes our roads so much safer. To be a courteous driver, we respect the other drivers and the rules of the road without thinking that our need […]

October 31, 2016


Categories: THEA Tips

Places To Beat The Heat in Tampa Bay Sometimes as Floridians, we feel like hibernating not in the beautiful cool winter months as people in other parts of the country, but in the sweltering Summer months when we have a blanket of thick humidity looming in the air. You don’t have to spend your whole […]

September 6, 2016


Categories: THEA Tips

How to Merge onto a Highway Merging onto a highway can feel like one of the more stressful and demanding requirements of your drive. Despite all drivers taking pretty much the same type of driving skills test, many of us on the roads might need a refresher on what is the “right” way to merge […]

August 17, 2016


Categories: THEA Tips

Car Emergency Kit Most of us make sure our cars meet safety standards for safe driving by having recommended oil changes, regular maintenance reviews and getting timely repairs. Even with all of this, we can all still experience an unexpected emergency. According to the Department of Motor Vehicles, you should always have an emergency kit […]

August 15, 2016


Categories: THEA Tips

Driving to school for the first time Driving to school for the first time can be nerve wrecking for new drivers. Typically, they are alone in the car on their ride to school and have to be entirely reliant on their own driving skills and decisions making. In time, this will help to build their […]

August 11, 2016


Categories: THEA Tips

How to change a tire Everyone should know how to change a tire. Even though we hope it never happens to you, it is good to have an understanding of what to do if this emergency arises. On the Selmon Expressway, we have Road Rangers that are available during the week to assist our motorists, […]

August 9, 2016


Categories: THEA Tips

Back to School Driving Safety Tips August 10th is back to school time for Bay area students.  Many of you have noticed that traffic lightens over the summer months, but you will begin to see more cars on the roads again with the beginning of the school year. This is a great opportunity to refresh […]

August 8, 2016


Categories: THEA Tips


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