THEA CV Pilot Testbed for Safety Technology

We are pleased to announce that the THEA CV Pilot has once again helped launch an innovation that will help improve driving safety. On May 5th, 2022, Yunex Traffic announced its RSU2X is the only connected and autonomous vehicle roadside unit (RSU) available in the U.S. that is tested to communicate with automakers’ 2023 model vehicle onboard units (OBUs). This device is a central component of the THEA CV Pilot. 

Through our CV Pilot, the RSU2X has been road-tested for compatibility with multiple car manufacturers, including Honda, Hyundai, Kia, and Toyota. It transmits speed limits, red light notices, and wrong-way warnings as well as captures the car’s speed, direction, and location for use by connected safety systems. 

Yunex Traffic’s U.S. CV product manager Iouri Nemirovski said in a recent article in the American Journal of Transportation, “The RSU2X has four times the computing power of our previous model and, in one major test, managed 3 billion messages from 1,000 vehicles. These can accurately and safely handle the volume of messages needed for any city’s connected vehicle future.”

Since 2015, our agency has been working with the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) to integrate Connected Vehicle concepts into effective roadside elements, enhancing operational transportation capabilities with the THEA CV Pilot initiative. The THEA CV Pilot aims to increase safety, enhance mobility, help sustain the environment, contribute to the development of rules and regulations in the CV space, and transform the experience of pedestrians, motorists, and transit. 

By being an early adopter and testbed for connected vehicle technology, THEA, and our partners are looking to use smart city technology to make transportation safer for pedestrians, transit riders, and drivers. The RSU2X puts us closer to safer cities and fewer crashes.