Weekend Closure: Deputy Kotfila Memorial Dog Park

Dear Pet Owners,

We need your help!

Since its opening, the Deputy Kotfila Memorial Dog Park has been a huge hit for our canine friends looking for a shady spot to spend time with their human. We are rightfully proud of this park, with its top-of-the-line canine turf, which has been proven safer and softer for paws. And it seems our dogs love it as well!

We have high standards and try to maintain this park to those standards. In addition to the normal everyday activities of irrigating the turf, emptying the trash, filling up the bags, and checking the fountains, we pressure wash the turf every two weeks. But it doesn’t seem to be enough. That’s why we’re asking for your help.

We need you to put down your phones and pick up after your pet…PLEASE! Dog feces can be hazardous to people and dogs. Plus, in the Florida heat…it stinks!

So, we have decided to take a drastic measure and temporarily close the park so that we can do a deep cleaning of the entire area. The Deputy Kotfila Memorial Dog Park will be closed from Friday, September 27th at 4:00 pm – Monday, September 30th at 9:00 am.

This park was built for our canine family, but only humans can keep the park clean. We want to maintain the beautiful space of this park for everyone. Please be thoughtful to the community. Pay attention to your pet and clean up after him/her. Without your help, it might become too expensive – and dangerous – to keep the park clean and remain open.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.
Tampa Hillsborough Expressway Authority